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Configuring OpenVPN Client For Secure Access

Steven Panovski

1.- Download and Install OpenVPN client for windows:

URL for download: https://openvpn.net/index.php/open-source/downloads.html Note: Current windows version is 2.5.1. Example:

For 32 bits Windows: https://swupdate.openvpn.org/community/releases/OpenVPN-2.5.1-I601-x86.msiFor 64 bits Windows: https://swupdate.openvpn.org/community/releases/OpenVPN-2.5.1-I601-amd64.msi

Download the file for your OS and Architecture and execute it. The wizard will install all required components and an “OpenVPN GUI” icon on your desktop.

2.- Copy your OpenVPN files:

Extract the files inside the zip (XXX.admin.XX.zip to the directory created by OpenVPN for the configs. Each of you has his own zip.

Depending on your operating system the directory should be:

C:\Users\ YOUR_USERNAME \OpenVPN\Config

Example: If your username is “George Washington” then your OpenVPN dir should be:


In other windows version the directoy can be:

C:\Program Files\OpenVPN\config

Just drop the files inside the blk.admin.XX.zip file in the proper directory.

3.- Execute your OpenVPN connection:

Double click your “OpenVPN GUI”. A new icon will be visible on your windows system tray (Windows notification area lower-right of your screen).

Right click on it and connect to your VPN using the “XXX.admin.XX” menu option.

The OpenVPN config wont affect your Internet connectivity. It will just push the routes for your Cloud environment so you can use your cloud servers and your standard networking at the same time.